It was a vague memory stored in a megabyte format deep within this hard drive. The visual similarities prompted the processor to engage the selected memory. The cool breeze hitting my hair which actually attained the molecule known as H2O. The ever present smell of the oceanic ecosystem, and the visual pleasantry of the sun setting along the rolling ocean waves. It may have very well been the senses triggering the mind, at any rate I was back in Malibu, CA. I was fortunate enough to be staying at house nestled right up on the pacific ocean:
Once I had arrived I began to navigate a route to a long favorite destination along the pacific coast line. The route would involve riding along the Pacific Coast Highway until merging with the "Strand" (multi-usage pathway). The strand connects several beaches: Santa Monica, Venice, Manhattan, Hermosa, and Redondo to name a few. The Santa Monica Promenade was well visited vacation destination for this Zonan and friends while growing up. Once on the strand a rider will go under the Santa Monica Pier through a tunnel and enter into a strange like circus known as Venice Beach. I believe this beach and the many characters whom "reside" there may be immune to the process known as the perception of time. The smell of marijuana lingers in the air as the medical marijuana bulletin boards promote a doctors prescription. The strand offers visual stimulation unlike the city streets found within the valley of the sun. Hermosa Beach was a welcome sight as I had some bike adjustments to make and Hermosa Cyclery actually offered tools outside the shop for adjustments. Many props to that bike shop and the scenic variety of retail shops along Pier Ave. While drinking a couple of brews at the Poop Deck I was referred to the Redondo Fish Market for some lunch. Very good selection of seafood at very reasonable prices. The marketing may have been the final push for me to hit the place up:
After fueling up on fish, frys, oysters, and beer I was ready to take on the headwinds and ride back to Malibu. I would like to promote Tom's Shoes as they are making a difference in peoples lives. I would also like to give another shout out to the Cosmopolitan Hotel as they have offered Auby's Adventures another stay for the Flaming Lips concert on June 17th at the Boulevard Pool.
Once I had arrived I began to navigate a route to a long favorite destination along the pacific coast line. The route would involve riding along the Pacific Coast Highway until merging with the "Strand" (multi-usage pathway). The strand connects several beaches: Santa Monica, Venice, Manhattan, Hermosa, and Redondo to name a few. The Santa Monica Promenade was well visited vacation destination for this Zonan and friends while growing up. Once on the strand a rider will go under the Santa Monica Pier through a tunnel and enter into a strange like circus known as Venice Beach. I believe this beach and the many characters whom "reside" there may be immune to the process known as the perception of time. The smell of marijuana lingers in the air as the medical marijuana bulletin boards promote a doctors prescription. The strand offers visual stimulation unlike the city streets found within the valley of the sun. Hermosa Beach was a welcome sight as I had some bike adjustments to make and Hermosa Cyclery actually offered tools outside the shop for adjustments. Many props to that bike shop and the scenic variety of retail shops along Pier Ave. While drinking a couple of brews at the Poop Deck I was referred to the Redondo Fish Market for some lunch. Very good selection of seafood at very reasonable prices. The marketing may have been the final push for me to hit the place up:
After fueling up on fish, frys, oysters, and beer I was ready to take on the headwinds and ride back to Malibu. I would like to promote Tom's Shoes as they are making a difference in peoples lives. I would also like to give another shout out to the Cosmopolitan Hotel as they have offered Auby's Adventures another stay for the Flaming Lips concert on June 17th at the Boulevard Pool.