Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Auby Blog #Vegas/Camelback Ramblings

On a road trip from Phoenix to Vegas via the new Mike O'Callaghan/Pat Tillman bridge.  The Patt Tillman foundation coordinates Pat's run http://www.pattillmanfoundation.org/pats-run/ which is on April 16th.  If you register before April 9th it's $42 opposed to $50.00 for race week.  I have yet to participate in this run, but I am there this year!!!  Who's going with me?  Who doesn't want to end a 4 plus mile run on the 42 yard line at Sun Devil Stadium?  Ok, my Pat Tillman plug/rambling is over back to the meat of this blog.
I believe the trip time was significantly reduced due to the new Hoover Dam Bypass bridge
http://www.hooverdambypass.org/.  As the designated trip mule I provided a cooler full of beverages and food for my fellow revelers.  I don't want to mention how everything on the Las Vegas Strip is extremely over priced.  Well, yes that is just a part of Vegas a visitor just has to take in stride.  It's like a spiritual vortex except the money gets sucked into a black hole, with no personal or spiritual attainment.  What is the attraction?  Why are all these people walking aimlessly down this street called the strip?  To quote Hunter S Thompson:  "There was madness in any direction, at any hour.  You could strike sparks anywhere.  There was a fantastic universal sense that anything we were doing was right, that we were winning."  We find ourselves gambling at a Baccarat table being served by beautiful women at 4am in the morning.  Just like previous trips to this self induced tourist trap which specializes masochism.  There was going to be a certain justification for my actions.  Payment for my sins.  It was like all the other trips, the ride home was unbearable and ungodly.

   Hey Auby.  Isn't this blog suppose to be about hiking?  Ah yes.  It was a hike up the back side of the Camelback in South Scottsdale.  The Chola trail offers a subtle start to a more torrid segment which leads to the summit.  This trail is a nice alternative to the more popular Echo Canyon trail head.  Many people ask about dog friendly hikes, and this is one of them.  However, with dogs I recommend hiking to the pad of pavement short of the torrid segment to the top.  It must be prime time for hiking Camelback, as there were a bunch of hikers a top the summit enjoying a near perfect March day.  As the weather heats up I recommend heading to higher elevations.  I am planning a hiking trip in early April to 4peaks to try and escape the heat.  Any takers?  Let me know.     

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Auby's Blog #Granite Please

It was an erect crumbling conglomeration of large granite slabs standing proud against the elements.  Pressurized and subjected to unimaginable heat well beneath the earth's crust, this granite composition is classified as metamorphic rock.  The granite's unique combination of igneous and sedimentary rock, subjected to the earth's ever wielding tectonic powers.  The Mcdowell Mountains offer several hiking options with even more climbing opportunities.  I prefer mountain biking as the risk levels are much lower with more fitness potential.  At any rate if rock climbing is an engaging activity for you, this place would be a nice challenge.  So, if you don't know a carabiner from a spring loaded camming device; I would suggest hiking any number of trails within the County Park.  The Tom's Thumb hike is accessible via the Dynamite Road turn off and heading south on 128th street (Scottsdale).  Starting at the Northern end of this range allows for nice views of the Cave Creek area.  The track log presented below will portray the traverse into this crumbling oasis of granite boulders.
   With Spring training in high gear I recommend the new Talking Stick (Salt River Field) as they provide SPF 30 for free via a dispenser at several locations in the outfield.  Any ballpark offering sunscreen has the fans best interest in mind.  The park's going to get your cash, so paying $8.00 for a beer and $9.00 for a burger helps subsidize I guess.  However, old time spring training gurus will know what is legal to transit into this rendition of Disney Land and Alice in Wonderland.  These ballparks offer a huge variety of fans from age >6month with vast baseball knowledge to fans <65 with very low baseball knowledge.  Equals an entertaining afternoon at Camelback Ranch ballpark on the wes westside!!! The route was pondered and later plotted after contemplating the options available on google maps version 11.2 using the cycling algorithm.  Plotted deep into the some times susceptible memory banks for this every evolving mind.  Where are all the circle K's in this rundown town they call Phoenix?  The challenge was rewarded by a true luxurious location achieved by a flight through the wickets.  Given the scenery wasn't the best the city has to offer, and the drivers adverse attitude towards bikers.  This thought brings the story of the recent PF Changs marathon runner Sally Meyerhoff AZ runner killed in bicycle accident incident to mind.  I believe we can learn from this tragedy as both riders and drivers should be more alert while traveling in this valley.    The "flight" translated into the 73 mile round trip mountain bike ride predominantly on the side banks of the grand canal.  The detailed one way map below outlines the incident I mean workout session.  Hmm a nice Full Sail Session Lager comes to mind, a track log from my desk to the refrigerator is located on the attached document.